Tuesday, May 31, 2011

project 10: architecture and identity

What is the feature?

The feature of the garden of the Australian dreams i choose was the wooden fence.

Why does it appeal to you?

I choose this because this is a classic Australian iconic symbol and as a little kid i have such fond memories of getting splinters from jumping over a fence identical to this to steal the Nabours fruit. i also choose it because its something that i see almost everyday and i didn’t even realize how iconic it was

What does it reference and why did he include it in the GOAD?

almost every middle class urban house has a fence like this, its the wooden plank fence that separates the world from your very own little slice of heaven called the back yard.

Why is the GOAD considered ‘Postmodern’ landscape architecture?

I think that its considered Postmodern landscape architecture because it refers to other artists work and ideas and its referencing or recreating of others artist pieces is one of the main features that make up postmodernism.,

Monday, May 16, 2011

Project 3 Acknowledging the Source

AboutNSW 2008, Max Dupain, Photographer, viewed 13th may, http://about.nsw.gov.au/encyclopedia/article/max-dupain-photographer/

Apature, fall 1998, issue no.153, The Eyes Domain by Veronica Volkow.

Aperture, Spring 2008, issue no. 190, The shadow of the world by Noam M. Elcott.

Batchen, G. (1995). Max Dupain: Sunbakers. History of Photography, 19, 349-57. Retrieved from Art Full Text database.

Crombie, I 2004, Body Culture max Dupain, Photography and Australian Culture, 1919-1939, Peleus Press, Mulgrave Victoria.

Elias, Ann. "Camouflage and the Half-Hidden History of Max Dupain in War." History of Photography 33.4 (2009): 370-82. Art Full Text. Web. 13 May 2011.

Rachel Roberts Communications 2008, Max Dupain, viewed 13th may, http://australia.gov.au/about-australia/australian-story/max-dupain

White, J 1999, Dupain’s Sydney, Chapter & Verse, Neutral Bay.